Wednesday 7 March 2018

Uncle Ted's recipes #10: Sublime seafood pasta

Sorry to all you little dearies that I haven't done a recipe in a good while but I recently thought of this recipe from scratch and thought it'd be great to share with you all.

ALERGY WARNINGS: Contains white wine, seafood and dairy.  May also contain nuts in garnishing.

2 Medium white onions
18.5 cl white wine
250-400g mixed seafood (I used mussels, squid and prawns but feel free to add whatever seafood you fancy)
1.25-2 cups of frozen peas
175-200g fresh leaf spinach
400-500g linguini
11g dried parsley
3 teaspoons mustard
150-200g crème fraiche
3-5 g mixed Mediterranean herbs
a pinch of salt
olive oil

1 Large cutting knife
1 Large chopping board
1 sieve or colander
1 or 2 teaspoons
1 very large frying pan
1 large saucepan
1 fork
1 wooden spoon


1)- Start by filling the saucepan about 2/3 or halfway with cold water,  then add in a small bit of olive oil. Start the water on towards the boil.  

2)- Add some olive oil into the frying pan and turn it onto the lowest heat possible.  Dice up the onions on the board after peeling the skin off then chuck them into the frying pan.  Turn up the heat to about medium or mid-high and mix in a pinch of salt while briefly stirring.  Keep simmering the onions for about 10 mins until softened.

3)- When the onions are softened, add in the white wine and mix.  Then simmer for about 5 mins to pasteurise the alcohol. While this is simmering, wash, rinse and add in the spinach and add into the sauce.  Give the spinach about 5 mins to welt then start stirring it in.

4)-  After adding the spinach and wine, chuck in the crème fraiche and mustard and mix into the sauce. When both have been fully combined, add in the herbs and mix again. After doing this, turn the frying pan back down to either a low or mid-low heat.

5)- Put the pasta/linguini into the saucepan and bring to the boil.  Boil the pasta for 9 minutes and make sure to stir every 2 or 3 minutes that it boils with a fork in order to help prevent the pasta from congealing and sticking together.  After the pasta is boiled, drain it and let it do so for about 2-3 mins over the saucepan off of the hob.

6)-  About 4-5 minutes into the pasta boiling, add both the seafood and peas into the sauce in the frying pan and mix until the ingredients are all combined.  After doing this, turn the hob that the frying pan is off but keep it on the hob for the rest of the time that the pasta is boiling.

7)- When the pasta has finished draining, add it into the frying pan and remove from the hob. Then mix together until the pasta has been partially submerged into the sauce and everything is mixed together.  Be sure to make sure that you have a very large frying pan.

8)- Dish onto mildly warmed plates with a wooden spoon and salad spoon or something similar. 

Serve along with a glass of pinot grigio or sauvignon blanc and a mildly warm rosemary and sea salt focaccia bread and mixed green leaf salad.

A possible garnish would also be to sprinkle toasted pine nuts on top after serving but only do this if no one has a nut allergy.

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