Wednesday 14 September 2011

Food Review 1-the Co-Operative

What’s the best thing about the independent chain of supermarket known as the Co-Operative?  I’ll tell you what, it’s the fact that you can get small things for on-the go quite cheaply.  Yeah sure you can get that from many supermarket chains, but the real bonus about the Co-Op is that its got so many fair-trade products that help poor and far away communities that you can’t help but feel good about shopping there.  On top of that the Co-Op is a huge collection of independent businesses all under the same name so you get a real feeling that although you’re buying from a big chain you are actually helping the little man out a bit.

What makes this all the sweeter is as well as being an ethically correct establishment, the Co-Op is also wonderfully cheap.  With deals such as 4 brown bread rolls for £1 or 9 two-finger kit kats for £1 and a  sandwich with crisps and a drink for only £3, you can’t help but feel that you are getting your money’s worth.  This is emphasized further by the quality of the Co-Op’s home brand products, such as its sandwiches or pain au chocolate being second-to-none for supermarket home brand food & drink.

Another thing I also like very much about the Co-Op is the variety of products (both branded and homebrand) that are available to purchase.  There are many kinds of big name brands to sample such as walkers or Mcoys and Hovis or Burgen, however if you want to sacrifice quality for lower prices then buy the homebrand products by all means.  Except there's one thing about that and that is (like i said earlier) the homebrand products from the Co-Op from the humblest pint of milk to the most extravagant chocolate cake are actually pretty danm good.  

So you could buy the branded products except the homebrand products are just as good and are also cheaper, the only exceptions for this are the sweets, fizzy drinks and crisps.  The homebrand products for these foods/drinks at the Co-Op are not as good as some branded products so you may as well fork out a teensy little bit more when you want to treat yourself at the Co-Op.  

All in all, the Co-Op is probably the best all-round supermarket chain in the UK; it's cheap, there are many fair trade products to choose from, there is much variety in all the products and the homebrand cakes are freakin' tasty as hell.  So take it from me people, the Co-Op (in my opinion) is the best.

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