Tuesday 9 August 2011

Monthly News Review #1: The London Riots

Y'know this is what we all need.  Especially with all the worlds economies facing trouble and the presence of long-slogging wars in the middle-east oh and don't forget all those disasters in Japan and Australasia at the beginning of the year.  Mind you this country is under a conservative government at the moment, a government led by a man who I can only describe as "a snooty total wanker".

What really grinds my gears about these riots (which have now spread to Manchester, for f***s sake) is that they were all kicked off by one event that had/has nothing to do with the rioteers' current motives.  A short while ago a man was shot and killed  in London and for a couple of days and nights people angrily took to the streets about it.  At this moment in time however, the motives of the rioters seems to just be; smash, burn and loot.  A set of motives that I can definitely say, belongs to a bunch of idiots.

But there is another side to this intense story.  If you look at the movements, motives and general beings of those involved in the riots you can clearly see that many are unemployed.  A problem that only arises under a government that can't provide enough jobs for the people it watches and presides over (hint hint).  What I'm trying to say is not that if the government under David Cameron had provided more jobs then the riots would've been avoided.  But rather if David and his cronies had done so then the riots perhaps wouldn't be so severe.

This all is made worse by the reducing of police numbers since "mister wanker" came to office which in itself is made all the worse by the British public being highly devoid of trust in the British police.  What is really stupid is that when there aren't enough police the British public ask for more to be trained but when numbers are at a high level then the public accuse the British coppers of "heavy handedness".  Now this may be true that the British police are considerably heavy-handed at times (especially at the memorable G20 protests) but being so bloody indecisive about such a matter isn't going to help anyone whatsoever.

The last thing I want to highlight is the lives ruined by the rioters.  In this mad orgy of  destruction and burning that has been spreading across the country there have been many shops that have been destroyed.  All of these shops of course are the main source of income for many people and families.  Some shops have been lightly damaged but this only consists of a handful of the shops that have been attacked.  Many shops (especially corner shops owned by not particularly rich families)  have been burnt to ash and cinder or assaulted and smashed to beyond recognition.  Many family shops that have been around for years such as a boutique in Peckam have been annihilated which has resulted in not only the ruining of lives but also the tremendous breaking of hearts.

People, I ask you three things. 1-support the people who have been affected negatively by these riots and don't join the rioters.  2-keep in contact with those you hold dear. And finally, 3-under NO circumstances AT ALL must you go out for the next 2 or 3 (possibly more) nights, I just don't want any more people to get hurt.

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