Tuesday 30 August 2011

TV Review #1: The Pranker

I like it when every now and again there comes along a little comedy show with a catchy name that is balls-out hilarious or at least edgy in a good way.  The Pranker is a small comedy prank show on BBC 3 that has been going for just about 2 months and is presented (and primarily acted in) by a previously not-very-well-known comedian called Ross Lee.  Ross is the kind of comedian that I like to call a bloody madman, he performs pranks on people in The Pranker on people that just make you cringe with both embarrassment and laughter.  It's good to see a new and hilarious face amongst British comedy what with all the unfunny ones (such as Lee Evans or Russel Brand) and the complete sell-outs (such as Michael Mcintyre or Robert Webb).  This is also made all the sweeter by Mr Lee being an excellent actor which definitely goes towards helping him to make his sketches all the funnier.

I wouldn't call Ross Lee a comedian who can make people cringe and laugh so much as say Sasha Baron Cohen but he definitely has great talent and potential in the comedy world.  The mix of sketches that Ross does are the usual mix; there are a few running characters such as a man who's a stud for old ladies,  a hugely un-pc policeman and a man who breaks things in shops by over-testing them.  And of course there are a few singular sketches in each episode that are simply mad as a hat of chickens (such as the sketch in the first episode that's about a satanic hippy).

I can't say much about this show other than it's very funny and the actors in it are very talented and on their ways to becoming great.  But then again, you can't say much about a piece of medium (whether it be film, TV, radio or print) that is comedy or mostly comedy otherwise you'd be ruining the experience of it all for everyone else.  Despite all that, I definitely suggest you try catching up on and watching this show because it's by far the funniest thing to hit British TV since Peep Show.

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