Friday 29 July 2011

New Film Review #2: Captain America

FINALLY, finally we get a marvel film that's all good.  Oh don't get me wrong, the Iron man films were great but in neither of them did you ever get to really know the awesome villains all that well and with Thor you got a great film that was hampered by lack of variety in locations.  Captain America is the best Marvel film yet, not necessarily because of the awesome fight scenes or the great plot or even the bad-ass villain.  This film's main good point is the main character; Captain America (Chris Evans) himself.

Any character who has read a marvel comic knows or has at least heard of Captain America, the very first member of the super-hero Avengers team and probably the first true super-hero created by Marvel Comics.  For those of you who might not be so familiar with this legend of the comic world; Captain America is a young man named Steve Rogers who when enlisting into the US army during WW2 and getting refused for the 5th time is offered one last chance by a mysterious scientist.  The scientist then alters and greatly improves Steve's genetic coding, physical capabilities and internal organs with a 'super soldier serum'.  Steve then adopts the name 'Captain America', gets the iconography and flag of the US stitched onto his new suit, obtains a shield made out of super-rare metal and paints it red, white and blue and then uses all this to clobber the Nazis and A secret organisation called 'Hydra'.

Essentialy, what this film does is it simply shows us two things that are quite simple in themselves and are also central to Chris Evans's character; 1-the film shows us the origins of Captain America and how he began his life-long battle against the devious Hydra organisation and 2-we are also shown that the central reason why Steve Rogers becomes the captain is because he is a 'good guy'.  No really, that's his entire motivation.  He doesn't exactly fight for any country's set of ideals (even though he's a walking US flag), he simply fights 'Hydra' and its mad leader (a former Nazi scientist called the 'Red Skull' played by Hugo Weaving) because he doesn't like bullies and he just wants to do the "right thing".  Usually I'd puke on a film whose main character's motivation is something like that but in the case of a character like Captain America and in a film this good (I hate to say it) this actually fits very nicely.

Although we see many characters in the film such as Peggy Carter (Cap's first love played by Hayley Atwell) and Howard Stark (Iron Man's jerk of a father played by Dominic Cooper) the film concentrates almost entirely on the two main characters, Captain America and the Red Skull.  This makes the film greatly enjoyable by showing us in tremendous detail why the main bad guy and main hero want to take each other down so bad.  It also allows the audience to enjoy more, the characters who are most influential/central/important to a film like this.

In this film we find out that Steve Roger's first task when he became Captain America was to stop the Red Skull using Hydra to make some ancient Norse, glowing cube power a tremendously strong array of weapons to take over the world (by destroying half of it in the process of course).  In the film we get plenty scenes with these awesome weapons created by the Red Skull's power which include; laser rifles that disintegrate people, plasma cannon tanks and energy based artillery and bombers.  The potency of these weapons is emphasized greatly in how worried the different good-guys get when talking about what the Skull is trying to do with them.  
Because of this, you get this great feeling that the heroes are up against something big and deadly that can very well kill them and even entire cities of people.  Because of the danger posed by the weapons and the Captain being a really 'good guy', you are able to sympathise better with the heroes because you know that they just have to win.

So as a whole its a really good film.  The acting is good, the camera shots are good, the character development is great, the action scenes are effin' A, the characters themselves are marvellous and all this is put together by a good cast doing a great job.  So I don't think I need to say any more, all that I will say is that you should all see this film because it is damn good and definitely worth not missing.   Rating-10/10

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