Monday 11 July 2011

New Film Review #1: X-men first class

Now this is what an X-men film should be like!
None of that wishy-washy, black leather-clad, brooding balloney that plagued the last 4 X-men films, no, this is the real deal.  This film is colourfully dramatic yet surprisingly smart, it has scenes of utmost intelligence and serenity and action scenes that put the whole of all of the previous 4 X-men films to shame.

The premise of this film is pretty simple yet tantalisingly interesting, what it shows is the events and happenings that led the most important X-men characters (primarily Magneto and Professor X) to the events spanning the first 3 films of the series.  The plot is also a big plus in this film; its the 60s and Sebastian Shaw (a super powerful mutant/former Nazi doctor, played by Kevin Bacon) is trying to start world war 3 using the Cuban missile crisis as a launching point so that he can establish mutants as the dominant species of earth.  The only thing standing between Shaw and his followers' success is a young team of CIA funded mutants led by a young (future enemies)  Professor X (played by James McAvoy) and Magneto (played by Michael Fassbender).

One little fact that we're let in on (one that I was certainly surprised by) is that the alluring and shape-shifting Mystique (played pretty well by Jennifer Lawrence) is in fact the step-sister of Professor X.  Ah sod it, who cares about that!  The main thing I want to talk about is the bit we all anticipated in the trailer; that big-ass aerial battle near the end of the film where Magneto lifts a freaking nuclear sub out of the Atlantic using his powers.

Now you're probably thinking; is that action scene at the end really as bombastic and brilliant as its shown to be in the trailer? Answer: indeed it is my freinds!  Not only is it well-shot and the ideas behind it brilliant (i.e. the sub being levitated out of the water, the X-man Banshee flying low-level over water being chased by a girl with huge wings) but the tension of not knowing what will happen in the next shot is palpable.  This contributes greatly towards the battle scene near the end of the film being all the more enjoyable.  Another factor that contributes to this greatly is that you really know that if the good guys lose then the world will end in a nuclear war, the idea of such a horrid end to the world makes the cause that the good guys are fighting for all the more sympathetic.

I would reveal more about what happens and develops in the film but I wouldn't do that to anyone who hasn't seen X-men first class yet because you really need to see for yourself how good this film is.  The weird thing about this film though is that one of the main reasons why it could be received so well  by other critics is (like I said earlier) that it is considerably well-made compared to the last 4 X-men films which weren't so great.  There really is only two bad things I can say about this film folks: 1-it could've done with a few more action sequences and 2-January Jones (playing Emma Frost) really doesn't perform as well as the other actors/actresses in this film (especially with Fassbender and Lawrence).

Apart from that it's the best super-hero movie to come out in quite a while so go see it.  Score:3.75/5

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