Sunday 28 February 2016

New film review #22: The Revenant (8th Jan 2016 for US, 15th Jan 2016 for UK)

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Ok so it should be obvious but I'm definitely not talking about that pile of shite of a 2009 vampire movie that also happens to be called The Revenant but am instead talking about a current, harrowing and relatable movie of survival and revenge revolving around the story of legendary early-1800s US frontiersman Hugh Glass played amicably by Leonardo DiCaprio.  I suppose that goes really without saying but despite how niche the 2009 film was I found out while researching for this review that it has something of a following that reviews it quite positively and I just couldn't figure out why considering how shite it is.

Fortunately, this current Alejandro González Iñárritu tour de force should make you realise that an action/adventure film can not only be thoughtful and delve into human emotions but also have a highly-relatable and sympathetic main character without too much dialogue.  Now there is a common theme in a lot of modern action and revenge films I hear about that many of them have too much discussion and generally not enough 'show don't tell'.  This I can certainly see being prevalent in a lot of modern films such as Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015) or anything Steven Segal has made since the early-2000s with exception to Half Past Dead (2002) or Machete (2010) (although the former was shit and the latter starred him as a bit-part villain).  However, there is a time when some action, adventure and yes, even revenge films have to take just a short moment to talk back and fortunately The Revenant finds a good balance between speaking and action for the most part.

As for the plot; for those of you who may not know, Hugh Glass was a noted US frontiersman in the 1820s hunting for animal pelts while fighting for survival against the harshness of the US frontier, the American forestall winter, avenging bands of native American warriors and even his own fellow frontiersmen.  The events of The Revenant  circle around the life-changing event in 1823 when Hugh Glass was savagely mauled by a grizzly bear near the forks of the Grand River in modern-day South Dakota and was subsequently patched up before being abandoned by fellow frontiersmen Fitzgerald and Bridger and subsequently hunting them down through hundreds of miles of tundra and an abandoned fort on the Yellowstone River. 

Image source:

Now the film does fictionalise some events of Glass' adventure such as portraying Fort Henry as being still occupied when he hunts down Fitzgerald or how the actual journey down the Yellowstone River itself takes less time in the film than it did in real life where Glass had to crawl for several weeks in a row after healing from being mauled by the bear.  Admittedly, some of Glass' adventure is alleged and theorised but it is largely and for the most part based in reliable accounts which does make it a bit egregious to someone who actually studies history like myself that the film Hollywood's some of the real-life events and fictionalises some for thematic purposes.  However, this is sometimes inevitable when making an entertaining film as seen with epics such as Kingdom of Heaven (2005) or Valkyrie (2008).

One thing that definitely alleviates many of the grievances I might have about this issue though is definitely DiCaprio's stellar performance as Glass with DiCaprio at this point in life being roughly near the same age as Glass was when he was mauled by that bear.  This in part gives DiCaprio the extra weight needed in his performance to truly push home the feeling of desperation, determination, anger, revenge and survival wit that Glass was reputed for.  Without a doubt this is one of my favourite if not my very favourite DiCaprio performance yet of his career so far which is even more incredible considering that he barely speaks for the majority of the film with his lines probably taking up half a sheet of A4.  This relates back to the earlier point about 'show don't tell' in that most of the emotion and character development is conveyed through DiCaprio's acting and facial performance which considering how many big performances have been clangered by failing physical performances.  DiCaprio has always been one of my favourite actors and his ability to convey emotion and character development through his facial emotions and performance cannot be understated.  Every actor in this film does the same to the best of their abilities but DiCaprio easily blasts them out of the water with his rifle-musket and dominates the acting with probably his best performance yet.

This compliments the story which in turn is also somewhat minimal and focuses primarily on Glass' struggle for survival against all the odds.  Like Deadpool the simplicity of the story in The Revenant  is one of its main strengths and when applied to the powerful physical performance by DiCaprio is superb.  I won't say too much about the story in this regard as doing so would likely spoil it for some of you out there but I can definitely point out where the story fails and that has to be when it tries to be deep and symbolic.  There are a few moments throughout the film when the music and some really misplaced dream sequences where the film tries to sentimentalise you into feeling a certain way and really just doesn't work.  Thankfully this doesn't happen but when we get cheesy visions of Glass' fictional dead wife it really jars against the mood of the scene that you're watching.  For the most part though, this film conveys its themes and sense of emotion through the suffering of different characters which as mentioned before is done with great skill.

Image source:

There really isn't much I can say aside from all that I've set out above other than Tom Hardy gives an equally stellar performance as the despicable Fitzgerald, the small bits of action are superbly well done and despite the shoddy symbolism, the cinematography throughout the film is truly superb.  The film might be a bit of a drag for some it rewards the viewer with a truly rewarding ending and an overall superb story about survival and revenge.  Yes, the historical inaccuracies are plentiful and for me personally that was a bit of a piss take but overall the film is well made enough and has enough creativity in the cinematography to outweigh most of the film's misgivings.  I'd say don't see this if you don't like gruelling length-trips but even then I'd still give this an umbrella of recommendation because its easily one of the best historical films released in several years.

Until next time, have fun, don't do anything I wouldn't do and go see The Revenant.

Cinematography/camerawork: 9/10
Acting: 9/10
Story/plot/writing: 6.5/10
Action/set-pieces/key moments: 8.5/10
Direction, lighting and sound: 8/10

OVERALL RATING: Like a hepatitis B jab, this film is a bit gruelling at first and is a bit hard to get through but is ultimately very rewarding and the end result is more than beneficial and enjoyable and you at least get a can of sprite and a chuppa chup afterwards.

Saturday 27 February 2016

Uncle Ted's recipes #5: Working man/grifter's pie

This is a recipe that is probably more hodge podge than other recipes I've made before but I think its definitely one you should have in your repertoire especially if you're a working man or a student with not too much time on your hands.  Essentially, this is a kind of derivative of a nice Shepard's pie and with a low budget and not too much time on your hands its more than easy to make as its designed just for that purpose.  Not only that but if you have several dishes, doing this bad boy and freezing any spares you made will sort you out for dinner for days on end so let's get into this thing and cook an honest-souled meal of the people.

Ingredients (serves 3-4 or 1 person for 3-4 meals)

340g tin of corned beef
400g tinned chopped tomatoes
400g baked beans
250-300g frozen peas
500g potatoes
150-200g grated extra mature cheddar cheese
1 x large brown or white onion
250-350g mushrooms
3 tablespoons tomato puree
11g thyme
a pinch of salt and pepper
semi-skimmed milk
unsalted butter or margarine
sunflower oil

1 medium dish
1 large vegetable cutting knife
1 ladle
1 potato masher
1 cutting board
1 colander
1 saucepan or pot and steamer


Step 1:  Pre-heat the oven to 250C.  Wash and cut up the potatoes into quarters and place into the sauce pan before pour water into the pan up to a couple of inches over the potatoes and put onto boil while putting a couple of squidges of oil into the frying pan and setting to a low heat. 

Side note: When the potatoes get to boiling heat, let them cook for 20 mins and 5 mins before finishing, add the peas into the steamer so that they can cook as well

Step 2: dice up the onions and wash and slice up the mushrooms before putting into the frying pan and browning until softened with a pinch of salt and then add in the corned beef into the onions and mushrooms and break up.

Step 3: add in the puree, tinned tomatoes, beans, pepper and thyme into the frying pan and stir around until all mixed together and simmer for about 10 mins while stirring now and again.

Step 4: after the peas and potatoes are cooked, remove the steamer from the top of the saucepan and drain the potatoes before putting back into the pan and placing three or four hefty knobs of butter/margarine into the potatoes and mash until softened and then add in a couple of small splashes of milk before mashing again.  To flavour up the mash potatoes, I'd recommend adding in a pinch of salt and pepper as well as a couple of teaspoons of mustard.

Step 5: place the corned beef filling into the dish along with the peas and stir and then put the mash potato on top and spread evenly before sprinkling the cheddar on top.  Then place the dish into the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes.

Step 6: take out of the oven when the cheese has melted on top and serve onto plates with the ladle and serve with spinach and rocket on the side and wash down with mild ginger ale.

Hopefully this one'll help you all out there who are a little bit light on funds at the mo and aren't too into hard-cooking as its both easy and very cheap to make so don't feel afraid to try this one as its a right banger!

Until next time, I hope you all have fun, eat well, take care, don't do anything I wouldn't do and I'll see you all next time!

Please check out my gaming YouTube channel:

Sunday 21 February 2016

New film review #21: Deadpool (10th Feb 2016 for UK, 12th Feb 2016 for USA)

Image source:

When I heard way back in early 2015 that Marvel were actually going ahead with a proper Deadpool film unlike the awful portrayal of the character in X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009, Marvel & Dune Entertainment).  It probably helps for my hype and hope for this film that Deadpool happens to be one of my favourite comic book heroes constantly flitting between morally relatable downtrodden hero and perpetually bloodthirsty 4th wall breaking pop-culture quoting machine.  In regards to that point, Deadpool marks himself out from other pop-culture-quoting characters in comic books and movies by having somewhat more niche and obscure pop-culture references.  To some this might seem a bit exhausting at times but for me personally it adds that little edge of character to Deadpool on top of the self-awareness and bloodlust like a big lump of vanilla ice cream on top of a self-saucing triple-chocolate fudge brownie.

So the plot...uh...there really isn't much of one if I'm honest.  This doesn't mean that the plot of the film Deadpool is bad to any real extent and is quite frankly a decent plot with good pacing to help along the simplicity of the film's storytelling.  Wade Wilson is a former special ops operative who turns himself into a mercenary/dirty deeds fella-for-hire after he returns to the streets of the USA and begins a heart-warming relationship with the stripper-bar server with a heart of gold Vanessa (Morena Baccarin).  After beginning his burgeoning relationship with Vanessa, Wade is tragically diagnosed with prostate cancer in one of the most tasteful and emotional scenes showing the effects of cancer in film or TV I can remember in most films.  He goes through several means to cure himself before settling on a secretly-funded bio-weapons programme run by the sinister Ajax (Ed Skrein) who saves Wade from his cancer while giving him superhuman strength, reflexes and regenerative capabilities while unfortunately turning him into a full-body map of scars and burns in the process.  Naturally this leads Deadpool into a rut of emotion who then goes into hiding for several years before hunting down Ajax in order to seek revenge.

Image source:

This might seem like its more complex than I initially made it out to be but the plot is really quite simple.  In an age where superhero films usually tie themselves down with backstories up the arse and dump themselves down with extensive and complex explanations for character motives, its surprisingly refreshing to have a story with an unconventional main character for the genre and have said backstory and narrative be as simple as possible to accentuate the character's emotions and motivation.  In this sense I can understand what people are saying when they say that the story and narrative of Deadpool is somewhat simple and straightforward but the film as a whole is self-aware and confident in itself enough so that this doesn't really become a major problem.  Sure it does seem like the narrative is a bit streamlined even compared to straightforward films like Ant-Man (2015, Marvel Studios) but with enough self-confidence and well-made storytelling, Deadpool hurdles over this roadblock with all the acrobatics that Deadpool flips over cars with dual 9mm hand cannons in this film.

I've also heard people saying that the film ruins the character of Deadpool with the sexualisation of so many of the characters in Deadpool's life as well as himself and that the film straight up ruins Deadpool's character with the supposed psychotic self-awareness of the character.  Considering the psychopathy and sexualisation in the original comics I highly doubt that these people have actually read those comics not to mention totally misunderstanding the point of Deadpool not only as a film character but also as a focal point within the universe of Marvel comics itself.  Deadpool has always been the go-to-guy for sex jokes, 4th-wall breaks and self-deprecation and so I feel that this film, while somewhat gratuitous with the 4th-wall breaks and sheer wackiness, is more than able to understand and properly portray Deadpool as shown originally in the comics.

Image source:

Deadpool for one is probably the best character in this film with Ryan Reynolds more than making up for his lacklustre show as the character in the aforementioned 2009 release X-Men Origins: Wolverine not to mention showing that he can actually play a good part of a superhero despite the tragedy that was Green Lantern (2011, DC Comics & Warner Bros Studios).  Reynolds easily puts in the most comedic role of his career so far and is more than charming and paired up with Baccarin's heartfelt and romantic performance not to mention a stirling voice-acting performance from Stefan Kapicic as the X-man Collossus (who like Deadpool I'd put in my top 5 favourite comic book characters).  With a number of other stirling performances I'd say that Deadpool has a superb supporting cast.  The only performance I really could criticise to any real extent would be Ed Skrein as Ajax and even then, his somewhat generically tough 'I'll smack u in the face mate' British villain persona is surprisingly well performed by Mr Skrein who despite the somewhat generic performance and dialogue is capable at times of really brining the common and stereotypical British villain of Hollywood to life in a plainly charming way.

As for the action, well I won't spoil it too much as its kind of the other crux for the central story aside from the bizarre flashbacks and 4th-wall breaks but it really is excellent with the action being neither too violent for a younger audience (although that isn't really a big problem for me considering my favourite film is Robocop (1987, Paul Verhoeven)) while also being bloody enough that psychos and fans of the Deadpool comics like myself can still revel in the savagery on show.  The 4th-wall breaks might get a bit tiresome after a while but they're in such plentiful array and variation and considering the breakneck pace of the tone and story of the film, I never tired too much at all of these really.  In fact, I don't even think that the film had a 4th wall put in there in the first place, its really just a gaping hole filled by Reynold's and by extension Deadpool's innumerable wit and charm.

So considering that any further explanation of the film would delve dangerously into spoiler territory I think I'll conclude here. the film worth seeing?  To quote my best friend "
Sex, violence, nudity, profanity. All in all I'm gonna say FUCKING BRILLIANT!" (Brendan Mugadzaweta, 14th Feb).  I really can't say much more than that, the film fires on all cylinders in terms of jokes, sex, violence and storytelling but also has one of the most nuanced, real and relatable love stories I've possibly ever seen in a superhero film and possibly in any comic book film of all time.  Deadpool himself is a joy as portrayed by Reynolds and despite my criticisms of the good Mr Skrein earlier, he also makes a good counter and foil in this regard as Ajax.  With the only solid critique of him being that like most Marvel Cinematic Universe villains, he seems to be thrown away at the end and used just as a crux for this one film.  Even then however, the film is more than capable of standing on its own two feet without reverence to the rest of Marvel's huge film project as either a romance, comedy or action flick.  Go see this as a Deadpool, comics, violence or romance fan or hell, even as a late-valentines day treat and I guarantee you will not go hungry for entertainment.

Cinematography/Camerawork: 7.5/10
Acting: 8.25/10
Story/Plot/Writing: 8/10
Action/Set-pieces/Key moments: 7/10
Direction, lighting and music: 8.5/10

OVERALL RATING: Like a half a kilo of pork ribs on a bed of chips covered in gravy and topped with a showering of grated cheddar after half a dozen pints and just before a vodka shots challenge, you might feel like this is bad for you but this doesn't matter because its just too fucking glorious.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Restaurant review #4: A Terre Terre in Brighton

Well hot damn now hasn't this sort of shindig been a while coming eh?  I'll admit that as with the news reviews, I haven't done a proper restaurant review in a long old time but when I go to a restaurant like A Terre Terre just round the corner from Old Steine in South Brighton I have to say something.  If a restaurant that I've been to is so good or so bad that I keep thinking about it, I will probably review it at some point and fortunately I can say with absolute certainty that A Terre Terre falls into the former category.

I'm not a vegetarian but I can easily say that, hand on heart, this is one of the best vegetarian places to eat that I've ever been to on the south coast of England, not just within Brighton itself.  What makes this all the more exceptional for me is that Brighton is choc-full of quality of vegetarian restaurants like Food For Friends (Address: 17 - 18 Prince Albert Street, Brighton BN1 1HF) or any number of independent vegetarian and vegan cafes that you'll find on a nice walk around the city.  Therefore, when I say this about Brighton's vegetarian food scene, you'd better believe me when I say that despite the top-quality competition from similar venues, A Terre Terre, is still one of my favourite places to eat in Brighton.

Now yes. the fact that this is a vegetarian restaurant is limiting for those who may not like such food or who like meat quite a great deal.  Now don't get me wrong, I eat allot of chicken and beef in particular myself and enjoy allot of fish and seafood but sometimes it is good to give the digestion system a good ol' relax and eat some more easily-digestible food.  Just all the more of a bonus that its made superbly and in a venue with great service and atmosphere.

So onto the most important aspect, the food and its value.  Unfortunately this isn't the cheapest place to eat in the city which is the main reason as to why I prefer to keep going to it for special family occasions like a birthday or something like that.  In turn this will prompt you to look for more everyday places to eat with slightly cheaper menus while enjoying A Terre Terre when you go there for an occasional treat.  This doesn't however, devalue from the food which is truly fantastic in quality and presentation not to mention hygiene.  Both times I've been here I have never had a dirty bit of crockery, cutlery or glass and I doubt I ever shall, not to mention how fresh the salad is so I can guarantee that this place is cleaner than a princesses' arse.  As for the food, its a wide variety of post-modern mixes of multiple cuisines with my favourite main 'Rosti Revisited' having a blend of chic-modern-quasi French and English mix as a well-cooked potato and onion rosti topped with parmesan and a poached egg and a truly sublime warm coolie.

The starters are reasonably sized as to give you a little-warm up but if you're against overspending like mad then I'd recommend the vegetarian tapas as it'll give you a good taste of what's on offer on the starters menu while filling you up but just not too much.  This is of course to imply that the starters like the mains are superb.  My favourite is probably the somewhat unassuming daily soup served up with a different, freshly-baked bread for each day of the week and made with sublime seasoning and vegetables.  To drink with the tapas and 'Rosti Revisited' I'd recommend a glass of white wine or prosecco and a Belgian blonde ale respectively.

The puddings in turn aren't perhaps as varied as the main dishes although the restaurant does serve brunch and while I've never been for brunch at A Terre Terre, its quite clear that yet again, they put a lot of variety and thought into their brunch cake menu.  The puddings for lunch and dinner though are still superb with my absolute favourite being the Churrrisimo; a few Mexican-style cinnamon donut sticks with a trio of dips including salted caramel, dark chocolate and vodka-soaked cherries.  I would make a simile of sorts for how much I enjoy this pudding but it'd probably just involve me spazzing out on the floor covered in cinnamon dust for three hours.

The service doesn't emit as horrifyingly a psychotic response from myself but it is still very good.  The staff at this place are very hard-worked as the place is usually reasonably busy albeit not totally packed (so you should be able to have a nice and relaxed meal here.  They're to-the-point and don't fluff around too much except when they have to such as when explaining what all the components in a tapas are.  The service is also quick and I never feel like I have to wait too long for anything really whether it be an order-correction or a drink.

The atmosphere too is also very functional but nice and relaxing.  The decor in A Terre Terre doesn't dolly itself up too much and allot of the furniture is nice and reasonably plain allowing the eyes to relax and concentrate on the conversation and food.  The music can get a bit annoying with it sometimes blaring out some bizarre folk tunes but ask the staff to either change the tune or turn it down.  And the booth seats, man oh man are they so comfortable that they'll make your arse melt like a marshmallow on a flamethrower!

So I guess anything else at this point would be repetition of sorts and I do kind of tend to do that ALOT with food (seriously, just ask any of my mates and they'll tell you the same).  So I'll conclude by saying that A Terre Terre isn't perhaps the most affordable place on the market in terms of vegetarian restaurants in Brighton but if its for a family get-together or any other special occasion, then I would give it a definite recommendation.

And so until next time, enjoy whatever you're eating, have fun, stay safe and don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Food: 9/10
Drink; 8/10
Atmosphere 7/10
Service: 8.5/10
Price: 6.75/10

OVERALL RATING: kind of like a movie night with that one guy who commentates over everything before the movie not by talking quietly like you or I would but shouting so everyone in the room can hear him.  A bit fucking irritating but eventually he either shuts up or you stop noticing him and besides, you still have some tasty food and drink to enjoy.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Ted's news reviews #3: The Fine Brothers REACT WORLD controversy

Technically I should've done a news review sooner than this considering how much batshit insanity has happened all around the world since I did my last news review in December 2013 around the Haiyan typhoon tragedy.  Suppose this makes me a bit less of a news reviewer or journalist of any sort but when I have the right accumulation of time and something is as relevant to me as the Fine Brothers REACT WORLD controversy I just couldn't help not say at least something about the craziness about this issue considering that as well as having a blog, I also have a YouTube channel following a genre inspired by bigger and more influential YouTubers.

Image source:

Over the last few years, Benny and Rafi Fine have been recognised as two of the most successful and profitable YouTubers and have been particularly influential in cultivating the reactionist genre of YouTubers on the legendary video website.  Many have praised them for finding a smooth and quickly-produced format of giving opinions on current and topical videos while many others (myself included) have criticised them from devaluing the original source material that they show in each episode of their multiple reaction series by playing the videos in their entirety and not editing the videos in any manner.

Now, regardless of what your opinion may be on reaction videos may be, one must admit that the Fine Bros made a genius discovery to quickly produce profitable and easily-consumberable content when they formed the 'Kids react!' series.  It does make sense to maximise profitability in as a short a space of time as possible even more so once you look at how many spin-off series that the Fine Bros made including reaction series for elders, teens, YouTubers and adults (not sure how that would work with the elders sub-genre already having been made).

Over the last couple of years, the Fine Brothers have exploded in popularity with all of their multiple spin offs reaching approximately 14 million subs on their main channel and almost 6 million on their secondary REACT channel.  considering that in the last 3-4 years that they have reached almost half the subscriber count of highly popular Swedish YouTuber PewDiePie (who currently sits at about 41.93 million subscribers, good lord, well done mate), you have to admit, regardless of your own views on the reactionist genre of YouTube, that the Fine Bros made a very profitable way of making reaction videos into an easily-consumable format.

This was never so much my train of thought with the Fine Bros as I personally think that reactionist channels devalue from the original source material they react to and don't really add much to the videos that they react to.  This was less so the case when the channel primarily concentrated on everyday people reacting to videos as it was more of a raw, everyday and realistic assessment of the videos that the Fine Brothers found than what might more commonly be seen on their channel in the last year or two.

This came crashing down around the Fine Brothers in late January 2016 when the two brothers announced on their main channel that they would be creating a website initiative called 'React World'  whereby people could create reaction channels using similar formats and titles under contract with the two YouTubers who would then take an appropriate share of the add and click-based revenue.  On the base of it, this doesn't seem all that terrible as it could've been seen as a chance to create a huge parent-network of the likes of Normal Boots or  However, over the last week or so, more and more information has surfaced indicating that much of this initiative was meant to monopolise the genre of reaction videos and possibly set a harmful precedence for YouTube genres in the future.

I would put the video link for the original announcement video and the subsequent update video put up a couple of days later but the two videos have seemingly been taken down on account of the massive controversy that erupted around the announcement that the two brothers made.  Understandably, many people were concerned that the two brothers were trying to monopolise reaction videos but the truer extent of this initiative was not realised until about a week after the announcement was made.  Initially, many big-name YouTubers such as Phillip DeFranco or Boogie2988 made very diplomatic reactions to the Fine Bros announcement imploring people to get informed on the issue before going crazy and they're still right.  However, in the light of information released about the Fine Brothers allowing their fans to digitally bully the Ellen show for apparently copying one of the brothers shows for one TV episode of her show or how they have attempted to copyright the actual term and concept of 'react', it seems that greed and sinister business malpractice is more so behind the brothers 'REACT WORLD' initiative than initially seems.

Link for Ellen show controversy screenshot:

Fortunately, this seems to have lessened over time with the brothers reaching out diplomatically to Ellen subsequently after the controversy about their fans attacking her show and have rescinded their copyright on the term 'react' since the internet blew up about the 'REACT WORLD'...uh...reaction.

Links for copyright to term 'react':
Link 1:

Link 2:

Link 3:

Broadly speaking, many other YouTubers (which I'll link below) have expressed concern recently that had this copyright and initiative gone through then it could've set a dangerous precedence for other YouTube video genres.  If the brothers had monopolised reaction videos, who's to say that others wouldn't be able to copyright vlogs, make-up tutorials, music remixes or let's plays'?  Sadly, it seems like this is becoming more and more of a trend with bigger companies as shown when Sony tried to copyright the term 'let's play' in 2015.

Link for Sony copyrighting let's plays:

With the informal free-market that the internet and YouTube in particular seem to operate on, this thankfully seems unlikely to happen on such a grand scale as the Fine Brothers or Sony have attempted but the potential of it happening is possible albeit very unlikely and this frightens me.  I personally believe that operating the internet and YouTube on a free-market basis is the right way to go and monopolising concepts and terms like 'let's play' or 'react' is extremely harmful to this kind of market and the creative freedom of content creators in general.  Therefore, I implore everyone to resist these forms of concept and idea monopolisation and copyright as it does more harm than good.  Even if the intentions of the Fine Brothers were good, the effects of this kind of initiative are more negative than positive.

Regardless of this though, the PR reaction to the Fine Brothers has been nothing short of disastrous for their fanbase and reputation considering that as of this blog post, the brothers have lost about half a million subscribers on their main channel and about 150,000 subscribers on their secondary channel and there is now an abundance of streams recording the downfall of the brothers subs count in real time while countless YouTubers have themselves created reactions to the 'REACT WORLD' initiative, absolutely lambasting it and its effects and intentions.

This in turn has resulted in the brothers having to not only rescind their copyrights but also completely scrap the 'REACT WORLD' initiative as they announced a few days ago:

Ultimately I think this is the right thing to do.  The initiative and copyright was highly impractical and clearly massively unpopular as telling by the glut in Fine Brothers subscribers over the last several days.  However, the Fine Brothers are still losing subs at an alarming rate and are going to be forced to do some massive damage control before long lest they have to give up their diamond subscriber button.  Unfortunately for the brothers, regardless of how well they handle the fallout, this PR and policy disaster will undoubtedly tarnish their legacy particularly more so thanks to their condescending way of initially announcing the initiative in the first place.

 To conclude, I initially thought that the brothers were simply being misinformed and acting with interesting intentions in the wrong way but now I think that their intentions may have been far more greedy and sinister than initially foreseen.  Had the brothers simply implied they were going to be setting up a parent-network for other reaction channels then this wouldn't have imploded as badly as it has done.  For one, I've never subscribed to the brothers and I definitely never will after this.  You guys decide for yourself but I most definitely think that this controversy has called the honour and moral balance of the brothers into disrepute from this point onwards.  I wish I could say otherwise but the more information that comes out about this controversy, the more that such a thought seems like daydreaming hopefulness.

In any case, I hope that this has helped to light up the situation for some of you out there and if it hasn't quite done that then I highly recommend you take a look at some of the links below in order to become better informed about the controversy.  So until next time, take care, have fun with whatever you're doing and don't do anything I wouldn't do.

H3h3 productions:


I Hate Everything:

Phillip DeFranco:



Special thanks:

I'd like to give big thanks to my friend Tom.M for sending me the H3h3 productions reaction to the Fine Brothers announcement.

I'd also like to give special thanks to my gaming buddy and good friend Pujge_Egjup for sending me the link about the Ellen show controversy and telling me about that whole situation and how it tied into this current one.  Please check out Pujge's gaming channel on YouTube:

My YouTube channel:

Monday 1 February 2016

Uncle Ted's recipes #4: Hangover supremor sandwich

Ok look, as I'm writing this I'm hungover and tired and forgot to take a picture of the sandwich I made after I woke up and I'm sorry but I also don't really give a shit about that.  What I care about here is making sure that I don't completely conk out before going to bed today and imparting my recipe for this marvellous hangover-curing sandwich to all you peeps out there.  Keep in mind that this isn't a particularly healthy recipe but once you've gone through a whole night without sleep because of one too many jagerbombs keeping you awake along with several pints you probably, like myself, won't really care.  You could make it anyway if you don't drink alcohol but trust me, you do so at your cholesterols' own risk.

3 x slices tiger loaf or wholemeal bread
4 x rashers Danish smoke-back bacon
2 x free range eggs
1 x knob of butter
10-12g chopped up chives
Ketchup & brown sauce (preferably Heinz ketchup and HP brown sauce)
50-100g shredded pre-cooked chicken

1 x medium frying pan
1 x sandwich toaster
1 x heat-resistant spatula
1 x plate
1 x roll tin foil
1 x medium baking tray
1 x greasing brush or if you don't have one then just have some greaseproof baking paper handy
1 x teaspoon
1 x toaster


Step 1: turn the oven onto 200-225C grill mode and line the baking tray with tin foil before turning the sandwich toaster on to get it warmed up.

Step 2: place the bacon onto the tray and grill until cooked well enough but not so much so that the fat draining off evaporates because we need the drained off fat for later.  Therefore, grill the bacon for perhaps 7.5 mins.

Step 3: turn on the frying pan with the knob of butter in and fry up both of the eggs while sprinkling the chives onto the eggs when you place them into the pan.  Just before the eggs start to brown on the bottom side, flip them over and cook for about 30-60 seconds on the topside.

Step 4: toast the slices of bread in the toaster for a very short about of time say 30 seconds for each slice before placing half of the bacon and one of the eggs on top of one of the slices with some brown sauce then put another slice on top then place the rest of the bacon and egg on top of that one with some ketchup.

Step 5: drizzle the bacon grease from the tin foil over the sandwich and press the shredded chicken into the topside and bottom-side of the sandwich as much as possible.  If this is too fiddly then just place proportionally within the sandwich itself before placing in the sandwich toaster to cook for 5 minutes.

Step 6: serve up with either a cup of Yorkshire tea or harsh black coffee with a couple of sugars in and some orange juice with a brunch bar and bunch of grapes for afterwards.

Now fuck off, I have to go nurse this hangover a bit more, I'm having potato waffles with sausage and peas for dinner so I should be alright.

Part of this recipe was influenced by ideas given to me by my good friend Chris (aka Ginge) and I must give him massive thanks for influencing this recipe.