Monday 1 February 2016

Uncle Ted's recipes #4: Hangover supremor sandwich

Ok look, as I'm writing this I'm hungover and tired and forgot to take a picture of the sandwich I made after I woke up and I'm sorry but I also don't really give a shit about that.  What I care about here is making sure that I don't completely conk out before going to bed today and imparting my recipe for this marvellous hangover-curing sandwich to all you peeps out there.  Keep in mind that this isn't a particularly healthy recipe but once you've gone through a whole night without sleep because of one too many jagerbombs keeping you awake along with several pints you probably, like myself, won't really care.  You could make it anyway if you don't drink alcohol but trust me, you do so at your cholesterols' own risk.

3 x slices tiger loaf or wholemeal bread
4 x rashers Danish smoke-back bacon
2 x free range eggs
1 x knob of butter
10-12g chopped up chives
Ketchup & brown sauce (preferably Heinz ketchup and HP brown sauce)
50-100g shredded pre-cooked chicken

1 x medium frying pan
1 x sandwich toaster
1 x heat-resistant spatula
1 x plate
1 x roll tin foil
1 x medium baking tray
1 x greasing brush or if you don't have one then just have some greaseproof baking paper handy
1 x teaspoon
1 x toaster


Step 1: turn the oven onto 200-225C grill mode and line the baking tray with tin foil before turning the sandwich toaster on to get it warmed up.

Step 2: place the bacon onto the tray and grill until cooked well enough but not so much so that the fat draining off evaporates because we need the drained off fat for later.  Therefore, grill the bacon for perhaps 7.5 mins.

Step 3: turn on the frying pan with the knob of butter in and fry up both of the eggs while sprinkling the chives onto the eggs when you place them into the pan.  Just before the eggs start to brown on the bottom side, flip them over and cook for about 30-60 seconds on the topside.

Step 4: toast the slices of bread in the toaster for a very short about of time say 30 seconds for each slice before placing half of the bacon and one of the eggs on top of one of the slices with some brown sauce then put another slice on top then place the rest of the bacon and egg on top of that one with some ketchup.

Step 5: drizzle the bacon grease from the tin foil over the sandwich and press the shredded chicken into the topside and bottom-side of the sandwich as much as possible.  If this is too fiddly then just place proportionally within the sandwich itself before placing in the sandwich toaster to cook for 5 minutes.

Step 6: serve up with either a cup of Yorkshire tea or harsh black coffee with a couple of sugars in and some orange juice with a brunch bar and bunch of grapes for afterwards.

Now fuck off, I have to go nurse this hangover a bit more, I'm having potato waffles with sausage and peas for dinner so I should be alright.

Part of this recipe was influenced by ideas given to me by my good friend Chris (aka Ginge) and I must give him massive thanks for influencing this recipe.

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