Monday 28 August 2017

Lets show love to the people of Texas and Hong Kong

Its really no secret right now that the state of Texas in the USA is in a spot of bother right about now.  In the last week, the state of steakhouses was wracked by hurricane Harvey which swept through the state coming in from the gulf of Texas.  As of this post, much of the eastern half of Texas has been flooded in part and in regards to areas such as many streets in Houston and Interstate Highway 45 have been mostly if not entirely submerged under multiple meters of water.


This kind of devastation, the likes of which has not been felt from a natural disaster in the USA for more than 10 years, has prompted much of the USA to band together and help their fellow men and women down south of the range.  What makes this remarkable is not only that police, army, navy and firefighter services and even just civilians have been helping their fellow countrymen in Texas to salvage their belongings and survive, but that many sympathetic people around the world have tried their best to replicate this kindness.

Donations to local services and amenities as well as charities have been flooding in to help out the people of Texas, Houston in particular, and thus far have allowed extensive outreach to not just those on the periphery of the disaster but those who are less able to move themselves.



Unfortunately, Houston is not the only major city in a global economic superpower that has been hit by such a heavy storm.  The enigmatic city of Hong Kong has also recently been dealing with the aftermath of a similar storm wracking its streets and buildings.  Typhoon Hato, while less covered in the mainstream media has had a similar effect as Hurricane Harvey on the people of Southern China, Hong Kong and Macau.


However, as is somewhat similar to what has occurred in the USA, the public services in Southern China have been working day and night to drain away the water and then clear the debris from their streets and fields while accounting for the injured, dead and safe.


And while I have been less successful with finding links for donating to the recent tragedy in China, I would greatly welcome anyone coming forward with reliable and safe links and sources for donating to the victims and saviours of both events.

Fortunately, I saw this article from Forbes which recommends tips and directions for donating to the disaster in Texas and I urge you all to check it out:

And as I said above, if anyone has any links or ideas for donating to the disaster in China any help would be greatly appreciated.

I didn't really have anything succinct or opinionated to add to this recent topic unlike the post I made yesterday.  I just thought it made sense to raise awareness of the situation that some are facing in the South of the USA and China at this time.  Hopefully these people, like this blog, can get back to happier and simpler topics and times in the near future.

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